Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Final piece

I have used the images of Matt, which I used to do the smaller paintings to create a large painting around, 6’x4’ using acrylic paints,
As I forgot to photograph my progress and have no images to show the development, but I started out by stretching up a canvas and drawing the image I had chosen of Matt to the size I wanted and added slight detail before painting the piece.  

I am extremely happy with the final outcome of the piece, I believe the choice of colours and paints was almost perfect, with the acrylic i was able to layer the colours and give several different textures and tones to certain areas of the image, for example the eyes and the beard.
with the beard using the layers to give of the affect of real hair rather than a stuck on beard, and the shading and highlight around the eyes wouldn't have the same affects.

the only part of the piece I believe could use some improvement is the mouth, every time I attempt to paint a mouth it never seems to look quite right, this is something I will attempt to improve. 

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