Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Promethues' Punishment

The champion Titan of humanity
Prometheus was one of the elder gods overthrown by Zeus and his fellow Olympians and managed to save his twin brother and himself of the hideous punishment his other brothers Atlas and Menoetius had received by convincing his mother to side with Zeus during the war between the titans and Olympians.

As he was known for his wisdom he was given the task to create life  on earth to end the gods boredom, so he and his brother Epimetheus had created all of the animals out of clay and had given them there survival techniques, all apart from the humans, eventually Zeus gave the humans fire, as to survive but as a thanks for this gift, they had to sacrifice the majority of their meat to the gods, but Prometheus tricked Zeus and made the humans sacrifice the unimportant parts of the meat, such as the bones, fat and skin. Once Zeus found out, he took back his gift of fire and left the humans to die, but Prometheus had grown affectionate towards to the humans and stole fire from Zeus and gave it back to men. As punishment, Zeus ordered Hephaestus the blacksmith god to forge adamantine* chains and bound Prometheus, naked to the top of the Caucasian mountains, where he could not escape, the final part of his punishment was that everyday a gargantuan eagle would rip open his stomach and eat his liver, as he is an immortal the wound would heal overnight and the bird would return the feast again.

the image of Prometheus is a popular one, and one I find interesting. so I used an image of a statue, copied the face and added it to a collage of different interpretations of the story.

image based on 

*adamantine: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adamant

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